Albert B. Hakim Faculty Service Medal

Hakim Medal 2013

This honor shall be bestowed upon a full-time South Orange faculty member for giving copiously of her or his time, energy, and personal gifts to advance the status and interests of the faculty and, thereby, the academic mission of the University.

Each year the Faculty Senate solicits nominations from the faculty and selects a full-time faculty member to receive the Faculty Service Medal. Pursuant to resolution of the Faculty Senate, this award is to be presented by the Chair of the Faculty Senate in the name of the Faculty at the annual Faculty Convocation to be held in the Fall of each year.

In 2008, the Faculty Senate passed the following resolution by acclamation:

Whereas, the Faculty Senate wishes to acknowledge, celebrate and commemorate the exemplary and extraordinary sixty-two years of Albert B. Hakim’s dedication and service to Seton Hall University as professor, dean, colleague and friend;

Be it resolved, the Faculty Service Medal shall be known henceforth as the Albert B. Hakim Faculty Service Medal.

Recipients of the Faculty Service Medal

    • 1998: Emma Quartaro, Jack Harrington, Ruth Hutchision and Gloria Gelmann
    • 1999: Peter Ahr and Matt Petersheim
    • 2000: David Foster
    • 2001: Robert E. Shapiro
    • 2002: Wendy Budin
    • 2003: Tom Marlowe
    • 2004: Mary M. Balkun
    • 2005: Roseanne Mirabella
    • 2006: Msgr. Richard Liddy
    • 2007: Judith Stark
    • 2008: Philip M. Kayal
    • 2009: W. King Mott
    • 2010: Marian G. Glenn
    • 2011: Teddy Sirota
    • 2012: Debra Zinicola
    • 2013: John Shannon
    • 2014: Susan Nolan
    • 2015: David Bénéteau
    • 2016: Judith Lothian
    • 2017: Philip Moreman
    • 2018: Marta Deyrup
    • 2019: Assefaw Bariagaber
    • 2020: Nathaniel Knight
    • 2021 Jonathan Farina
    • 2022 Nicholas Snow
    • 2023 Grace May

Hakim Medal II 2013