Meeting of May 10th

Sign in for Quorum

2. Call to Order

3. Elections

4. Communications from the Provost
FS-18 Approval of the amendment to MFTA
FS-19 Approval of the Family Nurse Practitioner Post Certificate Program
FS-22 Approval of B.S in Cognitive Neuroscience Program
FS-24 Motion to Congratulate Monsignor Reilly

5. Approval of the agenda

6. Approval of the minutes of the April Meeting

7. Executive Committee Report

8. Reports from Administrative Committees
a. Academic Integrity Committee

9. Reports of Standing and Special Committees
a. Academic Policy Committee
APC Business & Humanities Files
APC Professional Writing Concentration 

10. Committees with No Reports
a. Academic Facilities Committee
b. Admissions Committee
c. Calendar Committee
d. Faculty Grievance Committee
e. Instructional Technology Committee
f. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

11.Old Business
a. Second Reading of Article 6
b. Second Reading of Article 10
c. Second Reading of Article 3
d. Second Reading of Article 5

12. Committee Motions
a. Academic Integrity Motion
b. APC Motion to Approve Professional Writing Track 
c. APC Motion to Approve Minor in Business & Humanities

d. APC Motion to approve MA in English
e. Comp & Welfare Motion on Cost of Labor
f. Comp & Welfare Motion for More Data
g. FDC Motion on Faculty Burnout
h. PRC Motion to approve Speech-Language Pathology

13. There is no new business.

EC motion on academic approval process. 

14. Adjournment