Meeting of March 8, 2019


1:00 pm

Beck rooms


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Interim Provost Dr. Karen Boroff

a. Fall 2018 Full-Time Freshman Profile

b. Responses to Resolutions

i. Memo re: Approval of MA in Applied Behavioral Analysis

4. Approval of agenda

5. Approval of the draft minutes of the February 15, 2019 meeting

6. Executive Committee report

7. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

i. MOTION: To Approve the MS in Data Science Program

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee report

i. MOTION: To Approve the resolution regarding the inequity of $1000 promotion raises given to Faculty Associates.

Whereas Faculty Associates and Lecturers serve an important function for the University, specializing in teaching and service, serving larger teaching loads than tenure track and tenured faculty;

Whereas those promoted to the rank of Senior Faculty Associate have served for a minimum of 10 years and gone through two formal rank and tenure processes;

Whereas Faculty Associate salaries lag behind those of other faculty because they were not adjusted adequately or at all in the last two salary studies;

In order to achieve compensation parity with ranked faculty in their disciplines, be it resolved that those promoted to and those currently holding Senior Faculty Associate or Senior Lecturer positions should receive promotion raises based on the same formulae as other faculty promoted to Associate Professor in their colleges.

       c. Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee report

d. Graduate Studies Committee report

e. Instructional Technology Committee report

i. Draft of SHU Email Calendar Document Sharing Policy

f. Library Committee report

g. Program Review Committee report

9. Committees with no reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Academic Integrity Policy Committee

c. Calendar Committee

d. Faculty Development Committee

e. Grievance Committee

f. Nominations, Elections, and Appointments Committee

g. University Core Curriculum Committee

10. Committee Motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

i. MOTION: To Approve the MS in Data Science Program

b. Compensation and Welfare Committee

i. MOTION: To Approve the resolution regarding the inequity of $1000 promotion raises given to Faculty Associates.

Whereas Faculty Associates and Lecturers serve an important function for the University, specializing in teaching and service, serving larger teaching loads than tenure track and tenured faculty;

Whereas those promoted to the rank of Senior Faculty Associate have served for a minimum of 10 years and gone through two formal rank and tenure processes;

Whereas Faculty Associate salaries lag behind those of other faculty because they were not adjusted adequately or at all in the last two salary studies;

In order to achieve compensation parity with ranked faculty in their disciplines, be it resolved that those promoted to and those currently holding Senior Faculty Associate or Senior Lecturer positions should receive promotion raises based on the same formulae as other faculty promoted to Associate Professor in their colleges.

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Communications

14. Adjournment