Meeting of December 7, 2012

1:00 pm
Beck rooms


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Provost Robinson

4. Approval of agenda

5. Approval of the draft minutes of the October 12 meeting

6. Executive Committee report

7. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report and additional information on the concentration in Mathematical Finance

I. Motion regarding SSOB’s proposed undergraduate concentration in Mathematical Finance:

Resolved: That the Stillman School’s proposed undergraduate concentration in Mathematical Finance is approved.

b. Admissions Committee report

I. Motion to establish a policy to “super-score” ACT exam results

c. Compensation & Welfare Committee report

d. Core Curriculum Committee report

e. Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee report

I. First reading of proposed changes to Faculty Guide Article 5.5.d

Article 5.5.d.of the Faculty Guide:

Motion: To add the following as # 1:  Such guidelines shall include guidelines for voting procedures for promotion to full professor when there are no faculty of that rank in the department. 

II.  First reading of proposed changes to Faculty Guide Article 5.1.e

Article 5.1.e of the Faculty Guide currently states: Applications shall be submitted to the department by October 1 and to the dean by November 1.

 Motion: The proposed change reads: All applications will be submitted by October 1.

III.  First reading of proposed changes to Faculty Guide Article 6.1.b.4

Article 6.1.b.4 states that Faculty associates and term faculty members with two academic years of service completed are eligible to vote for sabbatical applications.

 Motion: The proposed change reads: Recommendations based upon a majority vote of the total tenured and tenure-track faculty members in a department are submitted to the dean of the respective college no later than November 1.

IV.  Second reading of the motion to delete Faculty Guide Article 4.7.d

Article 4. 7. d: In the field of nursing, a total of 60 post baccalaureate credits which includes a master’s degree in nursing may be substituted for the doctoral requirement for the rank of assistant professor.

Motion: Delete Article 4. 7.

V. Second reading of the motion to replace Faculty Guide Article 10, 1, a

Article 10, 1, a. Election of Department Chairs.  This currently reads ” Department charipersons are elected by majority vote of the full time tenured faculty members of the department, the probationary faculty members in their second year who have been renewed for the following academic year, and faculty associates in their third year of faculty service”

Motion: To replace Article 10, 1, a with

Department chairpersons are elected by majority vote of faculty members (including full time tenured faculty members, tenure track faculty members, and faculty associates) who will be continuing employment at the university in the subsequent year. Faculty members on a terminal contract are not eligible to vote.

f. Graduate Studies Committee report

I. Motion regarding annual graduate data reporting

Given the growing importance of graduate programs, the Faculty Senate would like to request the annual reporting to the Senate Admissions and Graduate Studies committees of the following indices by program: numbers enrolled; number of graduates; time to completion for those graduates; retention rates; acceptance rates.

g. Report from the Senate Representative of the Graduate Policy Advisory Board

h. Library Committee report

i. Program Review Committee report

8. Committees with no reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Calendar Committee

c. Faculty Development Committee

d. Grievance Committee

e. Instructional Technology Committee

f. Intellectual Property Task Force

g. Nominations, Elections, & Appointments Committee

9. Committee motions

a. Academic Policy Committee

I. Motion regarding SSOB’s proposed undergraduate concentration in Mathematical Finance

Resolved: That the Stillman School’s proposed undergraduate concentration in Mathematical Finance is approved.

b. Admissions Committee

I. Motion to establish a policy to “super-score” ACT exam results

c. Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee

I. First reading of proposed changes to Faculty Guide Article 5.5.d

Article 5.5.d.of the Faculty Guide:

Motion: To add the following as # 1:  Such guidelines shall include guidelines for voting procedures for promotion to full professor when there are no faculty of that rank in the department. 

II.  First reading of proposed changes to Faculty Guide Article 5.1.e

Article 5.1.e of the Faculty Guide currently states: Applications shall be submitted to the department by October 1 and to the dean by November 1.

 Motion: The proposed change reads: All applications will be submitted by October 1.

III.  First reading of proposed changes to Faculty Guide Article 6.1.b.4

Article 6.1.b.4 states that Faculty associates and term faculty members with two academic years of service completed are eligible to vote for sabbatical applications.

 Motion: The proposed change reads: Recommendations based upon a majority vote of the total tenured and tenure-track faculty members in a department are submitted to the dean of the respective college no later than November 1.

IV.  Second reading of the motion to delete Faculty Guide Article 4.7.d

Article 4. 7. d: In the field of nursing, a total of 60 post baccalaureate credits which includes a master’s degree in nursing may be substituted for the doctoral requirement for the rank of assistant professor.

Motion: Delete Article 4. 7. d

V. Second reading of the motion to replace Faculty Guide Article 10, 1, a

Article 10, 1, a. Election of Department Chairs.  This currently reads ” Department charipersons are elected by majority vote of the full time tenured faculty members of the department, the probationary faculty members in their second year who have been renewed for the following academic year, and faculty associates in their third year of faculty service”

Motion: To replace Article 10, 1, a with

Department chairpersons are elected by majority vote of faculty members (including full time tenured faculty members, tenure track faculty members, and faculty associates) who will be continuing employment at the university in the subsequent year. Faculty members on a terminal contract are not eligible to vote.

d. Graduate Studies Committee

I. Motion regarding annual graduate data reporting

Given the growing importance of graduate programs, the Faculty Senate would like to request the annual reporting to the Senate Admissions and Graduate Studies committees of the following indices by program: numbers enrolled; number of graduates; time to completion for those graduates; retention rates; acceptance rates.

10. Old Business

No old business.

11. New Business

No new business.

12. Communications

a. At-risk Program information

Seton Hall is one of the earliest adopters of Kognito’s At-Risk Program for University Faculty.  A demo of the technology can be viewed at  And when you are ready:

Go to:

School enrollment key:  shu48

For more information call Community Development at 973-275-2137

 13. Adjournment