Meeting of October 12, 2012

1:00 pm
Beck rooms


1. Sign in for quorum

2. Call to order

3. Communications from Provost Robinson

4. Approval of agenda

5. Approval of committee rosters

6. Approval of the draft minutes of the September 7 meeting

7. Executive Committee report

8. Reports of standing and special committees

a. Academic Policy Committee report

b. Admissions Committee report

c. Compensation & Welfare Committee report

d. Core Curriculum Committee report

e.  Faculty Development Committee report

f. Faculty Guide & Bylaws Committee report

g. Graduate Studies Committee report

h. Report from the Senate Representative of the Graduate Policy Advisory Board

i. Instructional Technology Committee report

j. Library Committee report

k. Program Review Committee report

9. Committees with no reports

a. Academic Facilities Committee

b. Calendar Committee

c. Grievance Committee

d. Intellectual Property Task Force

e. Nominations, Elections, & Appointments Committee

10. Committee motions

a. Faculty Guide and Bylaws Committee

I. First reading of the motion to delete Article 4.7.d

 Article 4, 7, d. In the field of nursing, a total of 60 post baccalaureate credits which includes a master’s degree in nursing may be substituted for the doctoral requirement for the rank of assistant professor.

Motion: Delete Article 4, 7, d.

II. First reading of the motion to change Article 10.1.a regarding the “Election of Department Chairs”

Article 10, 1, a. Election of Department Chairs.  This currently reads ” Department charipersons are elected by majority vote of the full time tenured faculty members of the department, the probationary faculty members in their second year who have been renewed for the following academic year, and faculty associates in their third year of faculty service”

Motion: To replace Article 10, 1, a with:

Department chairpersons are elected by majority vote of faculty members (including full time tenured faculty members, tenure track faculty members, and faculty associates) who will be continuing employment at the university in the subsequent year. Faculty members on a terminal contract are not eligible to vote.

11. Old Business

12. New Business

a. Motion regarding the creation of a student honor code

Given the growing instances of plagiarism, the fact that research shows an honor code greatly reduces the instances of plagiarism, and its compatibility with our Catholic mission, we ask that the Senate charge the Academic Policy Committee to work on the creation of an Honor Code that would apply to all students at Seton Hall University. 

13. Communications

14. Adjournment