Three Minute Leadership – You Won’t Be Successful as a Leader Unless a Lot of People Want You to Be

To: The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous learning


John Maxwell, author and leadership guru, writes about the importance of gratitude for a successful leadership journey.  His life-long learnings have taught him that going at it alone will not make a successful life’s journey.  Great leaders succeed because: “Followers make leaders possible.”  It is others who help shape and build their success through their teaching, influence and coaching throughout our journey.


Maxwell offers three groupings of people who help him succeed on his journey:


 (1) Some people helped me that never knew me – Some people have deposited their thoughts into my mind through the books they have written. Others have influenced me on account of the lives they have authored. These leaders, like Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King, Jr., have inscribed leadership lessons on the pages of history for all to read.


(2) Some people knew me but never knew they helped me – These individuals modeled success principles for me that I could apply to my life. I watched them and caught from them things that add value to my life today. I am filled with joy whenever I am able to express my gratitude to these unintentional mentors.


3) Some people know me and know they help me – These friends have been intentional in their assistance. Most of the good things that have happened to me are a direct result of their commitment to add value to my life.


The people who have helped me the most include:


Gift Complementors: These people do things I am not gifted to do.

Creative Thinkers: These people solve problems and give me options.

Door Closers: These people complete assignments with excellence.

People Developers: These people multiply my influence by training other leaders.

Mind Stretchers: These people expand my thinking and my spirit.

Networkers: These people connect me to relationships that enhance my life.” 


Maxwell reminds us:  “You won’t be successful as a leader unless a lot of people want you to be. No matter what level of talent you possess, you’re dependent on others for success.”  Take time to think about those people who have helped you most.  Thank them for their caring and for all that they have given you.  And in return, give yourself unconditionally to those whom you touch – your learnings, counsel, influence, network – that they, too, know that you care, that you want them to succeed.  Enjoy the beauty of your gift-giving.  It is a magnificent journey!


Have a beautiful day and a fantastic week!!!



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