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Module 11 – Thought of Pope St. John Paul II


In this final section, we are going to explore the thought of Popes St. John Paul II, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis on the theology of science. We will read the writing of one scholar each and comment on it. These three commentaries will form the final part of the term paper. In this first module of the final section, we are going to study the 1998 encyclical of Pope John Paul II, Fides et Ratio.

Module Objectives

Student will be able to:

  • Articulate the contributions of Pope John Paul II’s thought to the faith and science dialogue from his encyclical Fides et Ratio.
  • Opine on the way his teaching could help peers understand what is meant by a “theology of science.”
  • Compose a brief essay.


  • Review any comments from the professor.


Tie this encyclical to your studies earlier in the course. Compose a brief critical thinking (500-word minimum) essay to respond to these prompts:

  • Find a section of the encyclical that relates to the readings and specifically to your essays in the first section of this course where we reviewed Pope Benedict XVI’s homilies and the chapters in Particles of Faith. 30 points
  • Find a section of the encyclical that relates to the readings and specifically to your essays in the second section of this course where we reviewed the history of science. 30 points
  • Write one paragraph about the way his teaching could help peers understand what is meant by a “theology of science.” 20 points
  • Content (see rubric) 10 points
  • Expression (see rubric) 10 points