LocalStillman News

New Stillman Leaders Meet Experienced SHU Leaders

By Jessica Moran
Stillman News Writer

Pictured from left to right: VP Borowick, Professor Shannon, Dean Strawser, President Nyre, Dr. Price, and the
Leadership Development Class of 2023 (Photo coutresy of Jessica Moran)

The Stillman School of Business’ new Gerald P. Buccino ‘63 Center for Leadership Development Class of 2023 cohort had the privilege of meeting with President Joseph Nyre, Dean Joyce Strawser, Vice President Matthew Borowick, and Dr. Bryan Price of Seton Hall University on Monday, September 9.

The new leaders of the Class of 2023, with only two weeks of “college experience,” planned and hosted the meeting. Reflecting on the preparation that led up to the meeting, Kyle Barda, a member of the Leadership Class of 2023, explained, “Most of the hard work was done before the meeting began to ensure the conversations moved naturally.” Outside of preparation, the meeting allowed the new leaders to interact with the experienced leaders through a question and answer session. Through the conversations, the Class of 2023 learned valuable advice from them, shared their vision for Seton Hall University, and learned about how they could give back to the university.

At one point, Dean Strawser comforted the students by sharing the quote, “Confusion is the sweat of learning” to emphasize that learning is not always easy, and perseverance is key. President Nyre expanded on the quote that Dean Strawser shared by saying that he urges all the Class of 2023 to make sure they are always “stretching” to reach their fullest potentials, or always truly learning. Then, Vice President Borowick emphasized the gift of learning and attending Seton Hall University by sharing pieces of its history, while Dr. Price stressed the importance of supporting one while sharing some parts of his military past.

When reflecting on the event, Dean Strawser shared her confidence in the Leadership Class of 2023 saying, “I always appreciate the opportunity to talk informally with our students, and meeting with the freshman leadership group was a special treat…The students had some excellent questions for our group, and they moderated the discussion with poise and confidence. I look forward to seeing how this group will help shape Stillman in the coming years!” Dr. Price, the Director of the Center for Leadership Development, reflected his remarks by saying, “The Stillman Leadership Class of 2023 did not disappoint— they were extremely well-prepared, professional, and made a fantastic first impression.”

At the end of the evening, the Leadership Class of 2023 presented a Seton Hall University challenge coin to President Nyre as a sign of gratitude, respect, and recognition of his many contributions. As a challenge coin in the military represents one’s service as a member on tour, the Class of 2023 recognizes President Nyre as an essential member of their program and its continued success. In response, President Nyre thanked the Class of 2023 and challenged them to lead others with passion and integrity but also to inspire others to be leaders in their communities.

Following the meeting, Dr. Price emphasized the magnitude of importance of this event— “I don’t know too many business schools where freshman students get an opportunity to engage with the University President, Vice President, and Dean in the first few weeks of class.” Thus, it certainly was a productive, engaging experience for both parties, and the Class of 2023 could not be more thrilled to have joined the Seton Hall University community.

One leadership student, Louis Cappiello, shared his takeaway from the meeting— “Having President Nyre, Dean Strawser, Vice President Borowick, and Dr. Price, all important individuals to Seton Hall, spend time with our team was invaluable. The event is nowhere near an everyday occurrence, and the opportunity we had will surely remain with us for years to come.” With that, new leaders, Hazard Zet Forward!


Contact Jess at jessica.moran@student.shu.edu

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