DULCE Meeting 11/20/20

DULCE Meeting 11/20/20


  • Dean Smith spoke at the start and thanked everyone for coming, and highlighted how fantastic it was that Diplo events had been receiving so many participants towards the end of the semester. He commended students that ask questions and engage the presentors.
  • Dr. Edwards discussed the importance of student feedback from DULCE throughout the semester, and the importance of filling out the teacher evaluations. Students asked how to motivate other students into filling out the evaluations as well, Dr. Edwards responded that the Diplo School has a very high turnout already, but to tell others the importance of the evaluations on decision making and that they make a difference/are anonymous. Positive feedback is also welcome.
  • Students asked about the upcoming spring semester, the administrators noted that it would be similar to the fall semester with in person and Hyflex options.
  • Some scheduling questions were brought up particularly about language classes conflicting with diplomacy courses. If there are any specifics reach out to Dean Smith or Dr. Edwards with your question.
  • Students noted that some of the required courses were already capped, Dr. Edwards said that if there was an issue with scheduling to email a professor, but that there is normally time to complete all of the courses, even if not offered next semester.
  • Students discussed different study abroad opportunities and scholarships and asked questions about applying and COVID.
  • Then students and the administrators discussed ideas for programs during the winter. Dean Halpin offered to help promote the ideas as social events. Game nights, volleyball, public speaking over Zoom/Teams, what the new administration might look like for diplomats, and many other great ideas were brought up.
  • Dean Halpin mentioned a follow up to a previous speaker event with the Palestinian Ambassador to the UN with an Israeli perspective, and maybe student perspectives as well.
  • Next semesters meeting time will remain 2:00 PM on Fridays once a month.

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