Féilim Ó hAdhmaill

Féilim Ó hAdhmaill

Dr. Féilim Ó hAdhmaill is a lecturer and coordinator of the conflict transformation and peace-building programme at the School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork, Ireland. [1]In the book “Conversations: Snapshot of Modern Irish life” [2], Ó hAdhmaill...
Xanana Gusmão

Xanana Gusmão

For 40 years, Xanana Gusmão has worked for the freedom and development of his native country of Timor-Leste. During these 40 years, Xanana Gusmão has held many roles including: resistance leader, poet, political prisoner, negotiator, diplomat, and politician. Despite the numerous and important roles he has held, one of his most famous and important roles has been as a leader of forgiveness and reconciliation in Timor-Leste.

Oscar Lopez Rivera

Oscar Lopez Rivera

Oscar Lopez Rivera is a Puerto Rican independence activist, serving prison time since 1981. Rivera was born in San Sebastián, Puerto Rico on January 6, 1943, which is a holiday in Puerto Rico, but he wasn’t registered until January 8th, 1943. “I was five years old when I started school. By the time I started school my sister Clary had taught me how to write my name and the numbers from one to ten. She had also forced me to learn to write with my right hand although I was left handed. I was the youngest and the smartest kid when I started school but I had the habit of sneaking out of the classroom to go with my second cousin to the river. That’s how I learned to swim when I was five. I always stayed ahead of my classmates because my sister treated me as her student. In school I was full of mischief, fights, and pranks. During all the years I was in school in Puerto Rico I never stopped being me—an honor student with a bad boy attitude.”

Bassam Aramin

Bassam Aramin

Bassam Aramin is a Palestinian peace activist and president of the Al Quds Association for Democracy and Dialogue. [1] He was a former Fatah militant imprisoned for seven years for an attack on an Israeli Army jeep.  His 10-year-old daughter, Abir, was killed on January 16, 2007, by an Israeli soldier on her way home from school. However, Aramin did not want revenge; all he asked for was justice.