Monthly Archives: January 2014

January 2014

Every year I make a few New Year’s resolutions. This year is no different: I have yet another chance to get it right. But in addition to the usual lose 10 pounds and exercise more litany that has been part of my resolves since I was old enough to step on a scale, I have also committed to continued self-improvement.

My brother-in-law writes a list of 100 resolutions every year and then at the end of the year tallies his scorecard for a personal evaluation. His goals are modest: read six books, go to the movies five times, clean out the basement, paint the upstairs bathroom. But I’ve always admired his clarity of purpose and his ability to articulate a model for living a good life through a list of 100 simple good things.

In the interest of brevity (and mostly because I don’t want to clean the basement or paint the bathroom), I’ve come up with a list of 10 great things I want to do this year to improve my life. I present them to you here in the hopes of inspiring you too to live 2014 as fully as possible.

  1. Stop with the worrying. My ability to worry is near limitless. My wise mother-in-law told me not to worry because I would always end up worrying about the wrong thing. She was right.
  2. Sleep better and longer (see previous resolution about worrying). I am very good at falling asleep, but not so good at staying asleep. I do not have the answer to this one, but I will before the year is out.
  3. Read more. I used to read 50 books a year; that number has dwindled to about 15. There is plenty of room for improvement.
  4. Turn off the TV. My capacity for mindless television is insatiable. I have been known to sit in front of a marathon “Say Yes to the Dress” broadcast for hours. It needs to stop.
  5. Hike farther. 2012 was the year of the Appalachian Trail in New Jersey — all 72.2 miles. 2013, we tackled the AT in NY. This year? Who knows? But it has to be better and longer.
  6. Let my children live their lives (see resolution #1 – again). I have three great kids who have shown themselves to be great young adults. Let them live their lives the way my folks let me live mine. Enough said.
  7. Take up Mahjong. I used to play when I was a teenager and I can’t remember a thing about it except that it was a fun and relaxing way to pass the evening with my friends.
  8. Have an excellent adventure. Every year must have adventure, especially the older I get. Last year, I went to China. It was the adventure of a life time. This year? Stay tuned.
  9. Start crocheting again. Thirty years ago, I made an afghan for everyone I knew. Those blankets are old and smelly. It’s time to do it again.
  10. Be a better person. Gossip less, be kinder, pray more often, give generously and love expansively.

Just ten little things. Try it. It could change your life. Let’s hope it’s a great year.