

The Department of Anthropology faculty members are taking a fresh look at the Anthropology major to aid in academic advising and career planning. If you are interested in a broad, robust knowledge base that encompasses the sciences, the social sciences and the...
Internship : Higher Education & CSPA

Internship : Higher Education & CSPA

The internship component in the College Student Personnel Administration/ Higher Education programs at Seton Hall University prepares graduate students to manage various roles in student affairs administration and other functional areas at the postsecondary level....
CEHS Curriculum Revision

CEHS Curriculum Revision

The landscape of P-12 education has changed dramatically in the past five years and the traditional models of teacher preparation no longer reflect the complexity of content and practice for elementary and secondary teachers. Calls from national accrediting bodies...


The Institute of Museum Ethics (IME) promotes accountability, responsibility, and sustainability in museums by convening conversations about ethical dilemmas now facing museums. This year, the Institute wants involve more students in discussing current issues as well...