San Francisco

SF Consulting Organizations

UN Charter

Pamphlet about the United Nations Charter

An important innovation at the San Francisco Conference was creating the role of consultants, who represented civil society organizations. These people were not part of the official governmental delegation, yet they worked with the delegates in developing strategies and proposals. Forty-two national groups were invited by the State Department to send one consultant and two alternates to the Conference. Read the full document here.

The first printing of the UN Charter, by the US State Department in June 1945

The first printing of the UN Charter, by the US State Department in June 1945 (Courtesy of the Seton Hall archives)

AAUN*, American Council on Education, American Legion*, American United for World Government*, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Carnegie Endowment*, Catholic Association for International Peace*, Church Peace Union *, the CIO, The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America*, Foreign Missions Conference of North America, Friends’ Peace Committee, General Federation of Women’s Clubs, The Institute for the Advancement of Cultural and Spiritual Values, The International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons, League of Women Voters – National, Methodist Church (Women’Division), NAACP*, National Congress of Parents and Teachers, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives., National Council of Jewish Women *, National Education Association of the US*, National Jewish Welfare Board, National Lawyers Guild, National Peace Conference*, The Salvation Army, Southern Baptist Convention, Southern Council on International Relations, United Christian Council for Democracy, The United Council of Church Women, Women’s Action Committee for Victory and Lasting Peace, World Government Association, YMCA – National.

* Core Committee