Alternative Student Assessment Strategies Podcast

Alternative Student Assessment Strategies While assessing student learning and providing feedback on student work is vitally important, it’s not always necessary to do so in the same ways we always have. Instead of traditional paper tests/exams and written comments…

Students on the Autism Spectrum Podcast Students on the Autism Spectrum Students who have identified as being on the autism spectrum can face special challenges in a classroom setting. Julie DiMatteo, a Staff Psychologist with Counseling and Psychological Services, and Angie Millman, Director of Disability…

Spring 2019 Schedule

THE CENTER FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT   Spring 2019 SCHEDULE   The Center for Faculty Development will be sponsoring a wide array of programs to support faculty teaching, scholarship, and work life in the spring 2019 semester. This year, we will…

Project Syllabus: SHU Edition Podcast Project Syllabus: SHU Edition Amy Hunter, Professor of Psychology The course syllabus may be the single most important document for our classes, yet improving them can be difficult. We often can’t detect problems of clarity and accessibility, among other…

University Teaching Fellows Presentations Podcast University Teaching Fellows Presentations The 2017-18 University Teaching Fellows will share both their experience as fellows and the pedagogical projects they developed as a result of their participation the program. This is also an opportunity for tenure-track faculty to…