“Back To Black”

“Back to Black” by Amy Winehouse

“Back to Black” was released on October 27, 2006. It was the second and final album released by British singer-songwriter, Amy Winehouse. The album spawned five singles, “Rehab,” “You Know That I’m No Good,” “Back to Black,” “Tears Dry On Their Own,” and “Love Is A Losing Game.” It also won The Best Pop Vocal Album at the 50th Grammy Awards in 2007.

“Back to Black explored the complex relationship between Winehouse and a number of her former flames. She chronicled how those relationships influenced her drug use and subsequent self-harm through the use of other substances. In “You Know That I’m No Good,” Winehouse sings about all the problems she sees in herself and despite knowing they exist, how hard it is for her to change because of how badly she’s been hurt. Winehouse’s music is influenced by jazz groups of the 1950s and 1960s and the genre of R&B, and the dark, soulful sounds of her music play into the themes that she sings about on this album.

Winehouse joined “The Twenty-Seven Club,” in 2011 when she died of an overdose. Her music still lives on today.

One thought on ““Back To Black”

  1. Very interesting history. She seems really complex. The twenty-seven club has always interested me. Great post!

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