Three Minute Leadership: Three Decisions That Will Change Your Life

To:  The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning


Tony Robbins, author and life coach, in his recent article, The 3 Decisions That Will Change Your Financial Life, speaks to great leaders about their about the “three key decisions that dictate the quality of their lives.”  The decisions involve what they focus on, what meaning they assign to events that happen to them and the actions they take responding to those decisions.  His perspectives on these descriptions are rich extending far beyond the great leader’s financial life.


Decision 1: Carefully choose what to focus on. – Where focus goes, energy flows. What you focus on and your pattern for doing so shapes your entire life. Which area do you tend to focus on more: what you have or what’s missing from your life? Do you tend to focus more on what you can control or what you can’t?


Decision 2: Figure out, What does this all mean?Ultimately, how you feel about your life has nothing to do with the events in it or with your financial condition or what has (or hasn’t) happened to you. The quality of your life is controlled by the meaning you give these things. Your life takes on whatever meaning you give it. With each meaning comes a unique feeling or emotion and the quality of your life involves where you live emotionally. Once you create a meaning in your mind, it creates an emotion, and that emotion leads to a state for making your third decision.


Decision 3: What will you do?  – The actions you take are powerfully shaped by the emotional state you’re in. If you’re angry, you’re going to behave quite differently than if you’re feeling playful or outrageous. If you want to shape your actions, the fastest way is to change what you focus on and shift the meaning to be something more empowering.


Simply said, Robbins suggests: a deliberate focus on what brings value and happiness to achieving your life’s purpose; assigning a positive meaning to the events of your life to deepen the quality of our life; and resolutely and consistently identifying focuses and meanings that will bring balance, joy and richness to life’s incredibly beautiful journey. It is the great leader’s choice at every moment.  Choose wisely; choose well. Life is so very precious.


Have a beautiful day and a magnificent week!!!



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