Three Minute Leadership – the Nine Things Great Leaders Say Every Day

To:  the Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning
In his article, 9 Things Great Leaders Say Every Day, Bill Murphy, journalist and entrepreneur, captures the value and power that words and associated actions bring to the great leaders’ brand. He writes:  “Your words are among your greatest tools. They’re a window into your vision, your values and your abilities.”  He encourages great leaders to incorporate the following words into their daily routine to lead effectively.
1. This is the situation. – People want to know what’s going on.
2. Here is the plan. – Your team needs to know where you’re trying to take them, and how.
3. What do you need? – People need to know that you care about them… you need to leverage every person’s abilities to the maximum extent possible.
4. Tell me more. – Let people know you’re more interested in finding good answers than hearing yourself speak. Staying quiet is an invitation for others to offer ideas and insights.
5. Remember our values. – Remind people to let their decisions, actions and behaviors be guided by the organization’s values.
6. I trust you. – You need to trust their integrity, their judgment, their confidence and their passion–and you need to ensure that they understand how much you depend on them.
7. You can count on me. (the flip side of the above) – Let people know them you’ve got their back, and then work like hell to fulfill the promises you make.
8. We can do better. – … push your team to a higher standard than they might set for themselves. That means congratulating them when they do well, but also not coddling them when they don’t live up to their potential. It also means admitting when you fail to live up to those standards, too.
9. Let’s celebrate! – Make it a practice to celebrate your wins, both large and small.
Words and actions are the external symbols of the great leaders’ interior world.  They tell people who they are and in what they believe or dream. May you express yours with excitement, enthusiasm and deep fervor. Remember Martin Luther King’s counsel about words: “Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.”  Let your words carry with them the voice of your heart and the passion and fire of your soul.
Have a beautiful day and a magnificent week!!!

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