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Tag: Sustainable Development

Towards a Sustainable Post-Pandemic Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean have emerged in the 21st century as regions of deepening democratization, as evidenced by the rapid expansion/inclusion of historically marginalized political groups (including women and those of African descent). However, despite this advancement, Covid-19 continues to remain a threat by potentially expanding inequality, specifically amongst indigenous groups, following an all too familiar pattern within the region.

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Politics of COVID-19 vaccines

If the current disparity in accessing vaccines persists, not only developing countries will pay the brunt of the cost, for it will also drag down global economic recovery due to frequent restrictions put in place to prevent further spread of the virus. Vaccines have proven to be effective. Geopolitics therefore should not be a stumbling block to holistic efforts for dealing with the virus but rather should make many partake in this celebration of scientific achievement.


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