
InternationalNewsTrendingUS News

G20 Summit Marks Another Step in India’s Steady Global Rise

The long-held ground in which the US has rooted its economic and military hegemony has begun to tremble, and the rumbles of potential military conflict may soon escalate. The People’s Republic of China has challenged the United States’ global influence and economic power during the past decade. The fumes of tension have grown between the two superpowers, and a volatile trade war has flared both superpowers’ contest for geopolitical supremacy. Within this melting pot, the lava streams of stagnation and decline oscillate within the inner arteries of both nations. Whether this volcano erupts through economic means or all-out warfare, one country in the East stands to emerge from the ashes: India.

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TrendingUS News

2024 Presidential Candidate Spotlight: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

With the 2024 Presidential Election approaching very soon, all of the candidates for the Republicans and Democrats have begun their campaigning with hopes to be nominated for their respective parties. The candidate highlighted in this article is a candidate that is seen as one of the more controversial figures in the race today for his tendencies to traverse traditional political lines on certain issues and provide strong statements on hot-button issues like the handling of COVID-19 and vaccines.

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The Federal Reserve’s Rate Hike Campaigns Effect on the U.S. Consumer

U.S. interest rates have hit their highest point since 2007, right before the start of the Great Recession currently sitting at 5.33% (St. Louis FED) and American consumers have been feeling the brunt of it. The spiking cost of everyday goods, record-high mortgage rates, and high fluctuating oil prices have caused the consumer to feel immense financial pain over the past two years.

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