Author: Staff Writer


Netflix Stock Rallies After Company Hits Quarter Three Earnings Report

Netflix’s third quarter earnings release surprisingly surpassed its earnings expectations as it brought in $7.93 billion in revenue versus the $7.85 billion expected revenue. It crushed its net subscriber addition expectations as it brought in 2.41 million when it was only expected to add one million. The positive news caused the stock to rally after hours on October 18th as the stock gained 15%.

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Potential Investment Strategies to Use During Volatile Periods as Dow Index Enters Bear Markets

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the oldest of the three main stock indexes on The New York Stock Exchange, entered bear market territory when it declined by 1.1% on September 26th. The decline extended the index’s drop-off from its all-time high and pushed its losses to over 20% from its January peak of 36,799 points to 28,725 points, which meets the criteria to enter a bear market.

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