
Mental Wellness in the Workplace

Iyanna Fairfax
Trending Writer

Corporate America is becoming more aware of the importance of prioritizing mental wellness. Everyone experiences low points in their mental health like lacking self-confidence, enduring high-stress levels, or long periods of isolation. In these instances, it is likely that one may be going through mental burnout. These feelings are normal for hard workers and manageable from time to time, but what can businesses do to relieve some of that stress and support employee’s mental wellness?

American Institute of Stress pie chart on main causes of stress. (Courtesy of

The American Institute of Stress reported 46% of people experience stress from
their work duties alone. The stress of work is greater for an individual than
personal issues such as time management or social engagement. Acknowledgment of these statistics is what employees need from companies to establish a healthy mentality that promotes positive production in the workplace – not burnout. The ability to recognize these issues and subsequently put in policies to combat them are practices that dually support the wellbeing of the workers and of the business.

In 2018, the CDC provided a Workplace Health Promotion brochure equipped with examples of notable companies from various industries that provide outstanding mental health programs for employees.

Prudential Tower in Newark, NJ. (Photo courtesy of

One business mentioned that has kept up their mental health advocacy in 2020 is Prudential Financial. At the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, Prudential released a public educational blog with links to helpful resources when battling work-related mental stress amid trying times. In the 2018 report, the CDC found Prudential successful in normalizing mental health discussions by showcasing personal video messages from executives sharing their struggles and provided continuous, random surveys to learn about employee attitudes towards those in executive and managerial positions.

The CDC also commended Certified Angus Beef for offering an on-site clinical psychologist and provided discussions and exercises about topics like stress management as well as mental health services. These are just a few of the businesses dedicated to supporting mental wellness, not only to attract employees with these benefits but to maintain a healthy relationship with them.

The International World Health Organization created an extensive guide that businesses and corporations are encouraged to follow when it comes to constructing mental health policies. The key points when creating these policies are to spread awareness around mental health, to foster a safe space that supports all employees’ mental wellness, and provide adequate treatment for employees with a current mental health problem.

It is beneficial to the employees to have policies surrounding their mental wellness, but this also aids the business. Many professional environments have employees that are trusted and cared for by their executives because everyone contributes to the success of the business and positive workplace morale. The AIS also found that employee turnovers, absenteeism, and lack of productivity cause the U.S. a loss of 300 million dollars a year due to issues that mental health policies can help to fix.

In the same 2018 report, the CDC discovered that engagement with one’s work, communication with coworkers, and physical capability are parts of the workplace that can be negatively impacted by inactive practices of mental wellness. It is now a priority to have policies in place that protect the wellness of its employees and continue to run businesses in the most ethical and efficient way possible.


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