Dr. Charles Franke

Dr. Charlie Franke By Ronald Infante   I first met Charles Franke in September of 1958.  Although he was only a couple of years older than I, he was my Calculus II instructor, freshly discharged from the US Army and eager to resume his mathematical studies.  The school was Newark Rutgers, his alma mater, and… Continue reading Dr. Charles Franke

Dr. Joseph Andrushkiw

PROFESSOR JOSEPH W. ANDRUSHKIW (1906 – 1984) BY Dr. John J. Saccoman (1939-2019) The advent of Sputnik in 1957 and the ensuing space race saw an expansion of mathematics and science departments at all universities and colleges in the U. S.  Seton Hall University was fortunate to have the guiding hand of Joseph W. Andrushkiw… Continue reading Dr. Joseph Andrushkiw