Leadership is not preordained. It is not a gene, a trait or a computer chip in our brain at birth. The age-old question asks: Are leaders born or are they made? Well, we are all born, but none of us is born a lawyer, a professor, a doctor or a CEO. Leadership can be learned. There is evidence that those who enroll in leadership programs can be taught leadership skills.

Top Leadership Characteristics

Credibility is the foundation of leadership; without credibility, leading is impossible.
Courage is required to make the difficult decisions.
Good Temperament is essential to lead through difficult and tense times.
Optimism is critical in leading a team.
Passion is essential in getting others to believe in your plan.
Vision is important as leaders are truly custodians of the future.
Technical Competency is necessary, but not sufficient.
Strength is required when strategic initiatives begin to fail.
Risk Tolerance is as an essential trait as leaders will take risks to progress.
Action is critical as words alone won’t get it done. Leaders “do!”

Jerry Buccino Ph.D.

is nationally recognized as a “turnaround management” pioneer. He is the president of The Buccino Foundation and a Seton Hall regent emeritus. Buccino’s contributions have led to the establishment of the Gerald P. Buccino ’63 Center for Leadership development at the Stillman School of Business and the Buccino Leadership Institute at Seton Hall University.