The Research in Disabilities Education (RDE) track supports fundamental and implementation research about learners (of all ages) with disabilities in STEM. This track encourages efforts to understand and address disability-based differences in STEM education and workforce participation. Fundamental research projects typically address areas such as stereotype threat, an individual’s identity (e.g. STEM and disability identity), underlying attention and physical barriers that impact STEM learning, and the societal and organizational characteristics that influence learning and educational pathways. Implementation research projects typically address such areas as inclusive educational practices, universally designed STEM curricula, assistive technology, and supportive learning and/or educational environments. Researchers may consult the Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development (NSF 13-126), recently published by The Institute for Education Sciences and NSF, for guidelines on study design and the types of evidence to be produced by different types of education research studies.

Projects must employ evidence-based educational exemplars, have a strong theoretical base, and be justified by relevant educational, disability, and social science research.

Deadline for new proposals: 10 January 2014

For detailed information on the proposal, guidelines and background information please refer to: