Scenario Exercise

Here are some scenarios entrepreneurs face. Can you figure out some solutions to these problems?

1. I need to grow/ raise money for my business… what do I do and how do I start?



2. I have a great tech idea… I just need to find a tech-co-founder or developer to make it. Is this a good idea? Where should I start?



3. I started my business through a class or pitch competition and think it can actually work. Should I continue with it? What questions should I answer first?



4. My parents are pressuring me to get a job after graduate but I want to work on my start up… what do I do?



5. My co-founder is not taking the business seriously… What do I do?



6. I haven’t made any sales or started selling. What do I do? How do I start selling?



7. Somebody reaches out to you that wants to be heavily involved in your business… How do you determine if he/she is qualified?



8. My business is doing well and school is holding back what should I do?