Assignment Sequences

An assignment sequence is a sequence of assignments designed to engage a student with a thinking-reading-writing process that leads to more interesting writing.  Each assignment should be part of a chain that enables students to do predictable things in the the finished essay.  For example, in Analytical Essay #2, students should not just be able to cite a quotation or paraphase from a published text properly.  They not just be able to make some astute observations about a published essay.  They should be able to say what all their observations add up to; in other words, their should be some compelling insight into the author or, if one doesn’t believe in authors, at the text.  What assignments can we give that more predictably lead to this important intellectual accomplishment, this final product?

Exploratory Essay
Analytical Essay #1
Analytical Essay #2
Persuasive Essay
Research Essay
Semester-Long Sequence