Author: Ann Rodrigues

Wilma Ann Anderson, Ed.D.

Title: A Content Analysis – Girls and Young Women in Computer Science

Dr. David Reid (Mentor)
Dr. Renee N. Richardson Rose
Dr. Dōnnie R. Johnson

Oral Defense: February 22, 2024 @ 9:30 am

Defense Teams Link:

Meeting ID: 281 862 270 420
Passcode: NyHB9K

Cheryl A. Myrie, Ed.D.

Title: Perceptions of School Leaders on Inclusion and Their Role in the Successful Development of an Inclusion Program for Preschoolers with Disabilities

Dr. Eloise Stewart (Mentor)
Dr. David Reid
Dr. Randall Clemens

Oral Defense: February 22, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

Defense Teams Link: