Anthropology and Sociology Honor Society inducts students 3 May 2024

In partnership with the Sociology Honor Society Alpha Kappa Delta, Seton Hall’s Anthropology Honor Society Lambda Alpha will induct new members this Friday 3 May from 11 am to 12:30 pm at the Jubilee Hall Faculty Library, 6th Floor JH 669. New inductees, faculty and alumni speakers Jillian Guzik (for AKD) and Maria Barca (for LA) will gather over lunch for this biannual event to honor students and their academic achievements! Contact Drs. Anthony Haynor (Sociology, or Cherubim Quizon (Anthropology, for more details.

Anthropology students investigate digital and ethnographic research at the Petersheim Expo

Once again, students will present their research at the multi-year project Anthropology in the Real World held at the Petersheim Academic Exposition April 24, 2024 at 11 am (Corrigan 62) and at 3:30 pm (Jubilee 211). This year, the morning panel explores the Anthropology of Digital Things:

L-R: Dr. Olessia Vovina (host), Dr. Jessica Dimka (faculty discussant), Melissa Myrtaj, Helen Jakubowicz & Dr. Cherubim Quizon (organizer).

Helen Jakubowicz, Melissa Myrtaj and Lejla Behric share their ongoing projects focusing on digital research  that look into the problem with paywalls, investigative aesthetics using open source data and alternative metrics in public anthropology. In the afternoon, Tiya Antony, Leo Chu and Emma Potts share their findings on Ethnography: Participating Observers by analyzing failed speech at a church fete, code switching in soup kitchen service and informal speech among females in Greek life.

Emma Potts, Leo Chu, Tiya Anthony & Dr. Peter Savastano (faculty discussant)

At the end of the day, students and faculty gather for another informal Anthropology Meet and Greet at Jubilee 517 Conference Room.

Check out the student projects, download the flyer here Anthropology@Petersheim_2024!