The Yemen Conflict Sensitivity Platform (YCSP) (Search for Common Ground- Yemen)

The Yemen Conflict Sensitivity Platform (YCSP) (Search for Common Ground- Yemen) The project aim to develop a platform which will provide situational monitoring in a conflict sensitive approach. Over the course of its development, the platform will serve as a primary hub for external/international actors to receive firsthand information from national network on the humanitarian situation. Upon its completion, the platform will not only facilitate better coordination mechanism among existing entities responding to humanitarian conflicts in Yemen such as UN cluster system and the OCHA Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) but also entrench conflict sensitive design and programming norms in humanitarian interventions. The project will strengthen humanitarian peacebuilding, stabilization, recovery, conflict sensitive programming, capacity building, policies and strategies internalized to support peace and stability in Yemen.


MENA: COVID-19 Monitoring

MENA: Coordination Workshop on Local Government Aid in Yemen
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MENA: Supporting Conflict Sensitivity and Saudi Aid to Yemen
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MENA: Launch of Conflict Sensitivity Facility
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MENA: Consultation Workshop on Yemen Conflict Sensitivity Assessment
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