The Gateway supports innovative clinical cancer research in conventional as well as complementary therapies that will speed clinical breakthroughs to help cancer patients feel better, live longer or be cured. “Conventional” includes the primary treatment modalities, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation or other new and emerging treatment modalities (e.g. immunotherapy, targeted therapies, etc).  “Complementary” encompasses therapies such as natural products, mind-body medicine and manipulative and body-based practices. Proposals should demonstrate they can immediately improve the lives of cancer patients, and not just advance the body of scientific knowledge.

Clinical research funded by the Gateway will meet the following requirements:

  • Phase I and II clinical trials
  • Treatment study with clinical activity, no safety or pharmacokinetics only
  • Traditional and integrative therapies, including: CAM, novel use of existing drug, new therapy or drug discoveries, quality of life
  • All types of cancer
  • Studies must address the quality of life in enrolled patients

Gateway also particularly likes:

  • True innovation and novel concepts/approaches
  • Intelligent selection of therapy whenever feasible (use of targeted, personalized medicine to identify who may benefit from investigational intervention, such as genetic, molecular targets, etc)
  • Funding of new and emerging treatment modalities, such as immunotherapy, targeted drugs and other more nascent therapies, combined with complementary therapies

There are no restrictions on award length or amount and letters of intent can be submitted at any time. For more information, see the link below: