Sponsor: Ford Foundation
Deadline: June 1, 2012
Link: http://www.pgfusa.org/

Through the new documentary film award program, PGF-USA seeks to identify and support voices that tell authentic and powerful stories from or about underrepresented communities. These funds will be awarded to help support social justice documentary thesis projects of students in undergraduate/graduate programs and final projects of individuals participating in production programs at media arts centers. In the inaugural year of the grant, an emphasis will be placed on filmmakers and films that focus on South Asian and Southeast Asian communities. Grants will be made in accordance with the applicants’ thesis/final project budgets.

Nominations for film grants are to be submitted by deans/department chairs in conjunction with the faculty of established colleges and universities in the United States, or by directors of nonprofit media arts organizations with structured film production programs that the foundation has invited to apply. (A current list of accepted schools is available at the PGF-USA Web site. Additional schools/media arts centers that would like to be considered may contact the foundation for further information. )