Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Deadline: Preliminary Proposal: July 2, 2012
Full Proposal: March 4, 2013
Link: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12547/nsf12547.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click

The Earth is often characterized as “dynamic” because its systems are variable over space and time, and they can respond rapidly to multiple perturbations. The goals of the Frontiers in Earth System Dynamics (FESD) program are to: (1) foster an inter-disciplinary and multi-scale understanding of the interplay among and within the various sub-systems of the Earth, (2) catalyze research in areas poised for a major advance, (3) improve data resolution and modeling capabilities to more realistically simulate complex processes and forecast disruptive or threshold events, and (4) improve knowledge of the resilience of the Earth and its subsystems.