Facebook groups are a popular way to gather together groups of friends with a common interest, and setting one up is easy.

First, be sure you’re logged in to your facebook account, then go under the top menu and find “Create.”

Create a Facebook Group

Under the dropdown, select “Group”

From there, a modal dialog box pops up asking for the basic information about a group. Give it a name, and select the other options as suitable.

Group Creation

Choose your options.

Start by adding some of your contacts whom you know will want to be involved. Later on, if you choose, you can grant them a role that lets them manage the group and its users. By default, the group is going to be members only. That’s a good thing — it keeps you from getting overrun by trolls and spammers. Readers will be able to submit a request to join, and your or the other administrators can approve them or block them.

If you make it visible, people can find it and ask to join. Otherwise, it will be by invitation or word-of-mouth.

Group page

This is the completed FB page.

Once you have it set up, you can add other members. Some will be suggested for you. There are options to add a banner image, link other related groups or pages, categorize your posts, set up events and more.