Q: What kind of support is there for faculty research and scholarship?

A: There is strong support for faculty research and scholarship at the university:

The Office of Grants and Research Services: http://www13.shu.edu/offices/grants-research/
Here you’ll find information about University Research Council awards, links to searchable databases for grants, and other programs to support faculty scholarship.

The Office of Corporation and Foundation Relations: https://www13.shu.edu/giving/cfr-index.cfm
Go here to see how they can help with your research project: https://www13.shu.edu/giving/cfr-faculty-staff-info.cfm

The Office of the Provost offers the opportunity to apply for course release for scholarship. Ask your department chair for more information.

The Center for Faculty Development offers programs to support faculty research, such as the annual Summer Writing Retreat and workshops on grants and scholarly productivity.

Each year schools select their Researcher of the Year, and from that group a University Researcher of the Year is selected. Each award comes with an honorarium

Check with the offices mentioned above, your department chair, and your dean for additional opportunities.

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