Three Minute Leadership: Talent or Effort?

To: The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning


In their book, The Confidence Code, authors Katty Kay and Claire Shipman share with great leaders their thoughts on the critical difference between talent and effort. They write:


“Making a distinction between talent and effort is critical. If we believe that somehow we’re given talents at birth we can’t control, then we’re unlikely to believe that we can really improve on areas in which we’re weak. But when success is measured by effort and improvement, then it becomes something that we can control, something that we can choose to improve upon. It encourages mastery.”


The importance of this distinction, the authors suggest, is its impact on the great leaders’ view of themselves – their self-confidence, their belief in what they can or cannot control. Kay and Shipman write: “Confidence becomes less than what you were born with (talent), and more about what you make of yourself (effort).” It is their extraordinary passion, drive and joy to be more than they ever dreamed they could be that they control. Their success is firmly in their hands. They own it.

Ezra Pound captures this message with sheer simplicity saying: “What matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it.” We are what we believe, and when we believe deeply, we bring fire to the world and to those whom we serve. We become what we believe and choose to be.


Have a beautiful day and a magnificent week!!!




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