Three Minute Leadership: On Being Remarkable

To: The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning

John Green asks the profound question of great leaders: “What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?” They understand that to do something remarkable, they need to be remarkable – daring and risk-taking, discontent with the “as is” and passionate dreamers in the relentless pursuit of “what can be.”

In his recent blog post, Dan Rockwell shares his thoughts on 7 Ways to Become Remarkable:

  1. Take every opportunity to connect with remarkable people. Poke and prod them. Remarkable seldom happens in isolation.
  2. Do less of what you did yesterday. Remarkable is about change, never more of the same. There is a caveat. You must never change your passion to do things that matter. You can’t simply chase the latest shiny new object and be remarkable.
  3. Reject excuses. Do the scary thing.
  4. Do what makes you happy in service to others. Serving yourself makes you forgettable. Serving others makes you remarkable.
  5. Dig in for the long haul. Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg’s attempt to fly a solar airplane around the world began 14 years ago. Bertrand has raised over 140 million dollars.
  6. Act your way into clarity. Dreaming is useful only when it inspires action.
  7. Lean into dissatisfaction with optimism, not despair.

Be remarkable! Do remarkable! Be more than you ever dreamed you could be… and more… so much more.

Have a beautiful day and a magnificent week!!!



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