Three Minute Leadership: On the Gift and Joy of Vulnerability

To: The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning

In her book, Daring GreatlyBrené Brown speaks of the power of vulnerability and the courage required to achieve it. She writes: “Nothing requires more courage than vulnerability. Leaders are afraid of revealing what we all know: We are so very human; we are continuously prone to error. We are inadequate. We feel we are imposters. We are terrified of exposure. We do not want to make ourselves susceptible. We cannot afford to lose our credibility.”

The joy and beauty of daringly taking that step to be vulnerable, however, has a joyous gift that great leaders give to those whom they serve: “Our capacity to be vulnerable helps open others up; it creates our joint humanity… We do that by making a small hole in the heart that lets others see what we have overcome.” We bravely tell them that they, too, can reinvent themselves, be resilient and be stronger than they had dreamed.

Remember always Brown’s words about the authenticity paradox: “Vulnerability is the last thing I want you to see in me and the first thing I look for in you.” Be daring is revealing the beautiful fragility of who you are, and the courage you have in continuously becoming who you will be. You are not inadequate, but the magnificent bearer of gifts that you alone possess that can change the world and the lives of everyone you touch. Choose to be vulnerable and make that small hole in the heart to let others see the strength and power of your journey and what they journey can be.

Have a beautiful day and a magnificent week!!!



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