Three Minute Leadership: A New Year’s Choice – Unbridled Curiosity or Disciplined Focus

To:  The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning
As our 2012 ends, we reflect on this past year’s accomplishments and learnings, and begin planning for the great and exciting New Year to come.  In a recent note Philip Humbert, leadership guru and coach, speaks about preparing for our 2013 journey. He reflects on how the world has changed over the past hundred years, and then wonderfully explores how our natural curiosity has enabled humankind in its incredible progress over the centuries.  He cautions, however, that this magnificent gift now may no longer serve us well in the world in which we live.
Through all that history, humans evolved in large part because we were intensely curious and quickly seized on anything new or different. Because of our attraction to bright shiny objects, humans discovered new things and began to explore our world. Because our brain automatically notices and wants to pick up and play with anything new or interesting, we invented stuff and life got better…. Life as we know it was invented by our curiosity and attraction to bright, shiny objects!
For thousands of years, the part of our brain that notices and wants to grab hold of things, and “have one of my own” has served us well. Back when our world was mostly silent and very drab, curiosity made progress possible. Good for us!… Today, we are flooded with distractions. We live in “the Age of Distraction.” We feel pressure to have and do so many things! We “have to” track the news, run errands, answer our email, shuttle the kids to school and home again. We “have to” cope with never-ending demands for our attention….The evolutionary part of our brain that made our world possible may be sabotaging us.
Today, the challenge is to focus on a few things and stick with them. Today, success is about being able to choose wisely, make commitments and avoid distraction. In the Age of Distraction, the key to success is being able to resist the evolutionary desire to grab hold of every new thing. This is hard and goes against our natural tendencies. It takes determination and uncommon discipline to live simply, to choose one or two priorities and stick with them. High achievers know how to do this!
Humbert’s intent is not to underplay the continued need and importance of our curiosity.  He suggests, rather, a measured response to the non-stop attractions and “have to’s” of the world in which we live. For great leaders, this extraordinary “Age of Distraction” offers infinite possibilities for success, change and incredible growth. For their success and that of those whom they serve, they will choose a disciplined focus, and not be distracted from their life’s purpose.  They will choose wisely and well that, again, in this magnificent New Year, they will again be more than you ever dreamed you could be… and more… so much more.
May this New Year be your greatest ever for you and yours: one filled with incredible personal and professional growth… for yourself and others;, a year filled with passion, happiness and love; a year again overflowing with magnificent accomplishments.  May you enjoy each precious moment of your beautiful journey this year… and have fun doing it.
Happy New Year, my dearest friends! May it be the best ever.
Have a beautiful day and a great week!!!

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