Welcome to the New Jersey Digital Humanities Consortium

Videos from the DH Symposium 2024

DH SYMPOSIUM 1/25/24 PART I https://studentshu-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/balkunma_shu_edu/EQpoZLx3nDBDlnSTWz3tESIBObMz2po75ZvJft8ppZLYRQ?e=QhTej4 PART II...

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DH Symposium 2024

Sponsored by the New Jersey Digital Humanities Consortium and Seton Hall University Thursday, January, 25 9:00am - 1:00pm (EST) In Teams Click here to join the meeting Schedule 9:00 - 9:15 Welcome/Program Overview/About the NJDHC 9:15 - 10:45 Generative AI and the...

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Videos from the DH Summer Institute 2022

DH Summer Institute, May 31 https://studentshu-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/balkunma_shu_edu/EWHv3Gx8x1dHrVHZHUgibXMB-ZriBVMnSF1rY2M5EWiz9A?e=J0JsHE DH Summer Institute, June 1, Parts 1 and 2...

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Keystone DH 2022 Call for Papers

Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Digital Humanities in Baltimore, MD is hosting this year's regional conference June 15-17.  Proposals are welcome on any aspect of digital technologies and their application to the humanities and/or social sciences. Find a full...

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The DH/Data Summer Seminar

June 17, 2021 9:00am – 3:00pm Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) +1 908-512-7307,,723571919#   United States, Elizabeth This full-day series of presentations and discussions is designed to provide faculty with...

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Keystone DH 2021 Call for Papers

Temple University’s Charles Library in Philadelphia will be hosting the Keystone DH conference July 15-16, 2021 and representatives Colored Conventions Project will be keynoting.  The committee highly encourages submissions (due Mar. 15) focused on the collaborative...

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IIIF Workshop

This workshop has been rescheduled for this Friday, November 6, 10-11:30 am. You may register online at https://libcal.rutgers.edu/calendar/nblworkshops/iiif. The instructors are Caterina Agostini (Rutgers) and Danielle Reay (Drew).  

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“Money, Technology, and Elections”

Monday, October 19, 2020 7:30pm - 8:30pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82327893693?pwd=Vk5GLzM1YlFtN3l2SlJ4MHpGWjYwQT09 It has been said that “keeping money of out of politics is like eating soup with a fork; you can do it but not very well.”  This is...

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NJDHC Meeting

The next NJDHC meeting will be on Friday, Feb. 28, 1:00 – 3:00, at Seton Hall, in Jubilee Hall, rm. 132 (bottom floor of the building). Here is a guide to visiting campus: Directions: https://www.shu.edu/visiting/index.cfm Campus Map:...

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Join The NJDHC

14 + 8 =

NJDHC Membership

Seton Hall University

Rutgers University

Montclair State University

Princeton University

Stockton University

Drew University

Centenary University

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Ramapo College

Institute for Advanced Study


The Graduate Center

Essex Community College

Drexel University