Past Tense of Irregular Verbs

How to properly pronounce endings

Pronunciation Lesson

How to properly pronounce “ed” endings of past tense verbs

See chart below for direction on how to properly pronounce the “ed” endings of the past tense, when the simple form of the verb ends in anything EXCEPT a “D” or “T” sound.***   Focus on terminal sounds, not spelling, only!

Pronounce as “T” sound Pronounce as “D” sound
Ending in: F Staffed Ending in: B rubbed
K walked G begged
P stopped i (Y) studied
S passed L spilled
Ch watched M trimmed
Sh washed N cleaned
X fixed R feared
Th breathed
V received
W showed
Z squeezed, posed

***When the simple form of the verb DOES end in a “D” or “T” OR a “D” or “T” sound (ex:  need, want, decide, invite), then you must pronounce the “ed” ending as an ADDITIONAL SYLLABLE!!  You would pronounce these as “need-ed”, “want-ed”, “de-cid-ed”, “in-vit-ed”.

Author: Tom McGee

Tom is the Senior Digital Media Specialist in the Teaching, Learning and Technology Center at Seton Hall. He's the point person for anything WordPress.

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