Mohamed Mouldi Kefi

Mohamed Mouldi Kefi

Dr. Mohamed Mouldi Kefi is a retired diplomat and Tunisia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs during the transitional government of 2011. D.r Kefi is an experienced diplomat with several years of experience in foreign service; he was recalled 5 years after retirement to assist in Tunisia reconciliation effort after the 2011 revolution.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a pastor and a civil rights activist. He was noted for the significant role he played in bringing an end to the racial segregation of African American citizens in the United States. In pursuit of freedom and equality for African Americans, King was arrested and detained several times. He was stabbed and almost killed by an assailant in Harlem while on a speaking tour. However, he maintained resolute and continued non-violent struggle against racial discrimination for the African Americans, an idea he picked from Mohandas Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence in India.