Bridget Moix

Bridget-MoixBridget is an aspiring peace scholar who has worked most of her career with Quaker peace organizations.  She is inspired by the reality that in every situation, no matter how violent, there are people building peace.  Bridget has  worked on peace and conflict issues in the US and international policy realms, and with community peace organizations in Mexico and South Africa. She is pursuing her PhD with George Mason University’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution.  Her dissertation strives toward developing a theory of peace agency by exploring the question of why and how people choose peace in the midst of violence.  Bridget’s other research and work interests include preventing mass atrocities, the end of war, nonviolent mechanisms for civilian protection, and local capacities for peace. Bridget serves on the board of Peace Direct US, the International Programs Executive Committee of the American Friends Service Committee, and the Pickett Endowment for Quaker Leadership. She has taught courses on the role of religion in war and peace, development and peacebuilding, and Quaker social witness. She holds a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University.  Bridget and her partner Alberto have two young sons who challenge their peacemaking skills on a daily basis.  See more of Bridget’s work here.

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