Borislava Manojlovic

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABorislava Manojlovic is a researcher, professor and consultant. She is an expert in conflict analysis and resolution, dealing with the past and atrocities prevention. She worked on minorities and reconciliation related issues with the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in both Croatia and Kosovo for more than seven years. The experience of wars in the Balkans in the 1990s and her desire to understand the roots of violent conflicts have shaped her life trajectory and dedication to conflict prevention and peacemaking. She has been leading a study abroad program on Dealing with the past in the aftermath of mass atrocities in the Balkans that includes travel to the Balkans and learning from the local people about transitional justice and reconciliation processes. She is also writing a book based on her dissertation research that explores memory of past atrocities and its impact on relationships among youth in Eastern Slavonia, Croatia.

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