
Our approach

Conflict is an unchartered territory that needs to be approached with curiosity and willingness to learn. Conflict can be seen as a world of chaos that we are encroaching upon; a world of patterns, interactions and rules that often defy logic and vary dependent on context and relational constellations. Conflicts are adaptive complex systems whose features cannot be explained as a consequence of only one or few simple causes. A complex systemic approach considers multiple causes and events dynamically influencing each others to produce change. Change in such systems occurs as a consequence of shifts in ways of engagement and interaction within the system. Shifts might emerge through dedicated processes of inquiry, interacting and learning collaboratively with others, probing the boundaries and possibilities for peace. By learning together about constructive options of engagement and by being comfortable about plunging into the chaos of unknown, we can create a momentum for peace, integrity and forgiveness.

About us

The Collaborative Inquiry Team is a diverse and international group of scholars-practitioners in the multidisciplinary field of conflict analysis and resolution. We conduct research, teach, develop projects, publish and practice conflict resolution. Our individual topics range from dealing with the past, reconciliation and genocide prevention to non-violent movements, data gathering, verification and peacemaking. Our goal is to create a cross-disciplinary community of scholars-practitioners who will be the shapers of a more peaceful world. One of our key principles is openness to learning through interaction, mentorship and creation of new opportunities with our partners, students and colleagues.