The GK Chesterton Institute announces the publication of vol. 50 (Spring Summer 2024) of The Chesterton Review

The G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture at Seton Hall University announces the publication of volume 50 nos. 1 & 2, Spring/Summer 2024—of its widely recognized journal The Chesterton Review.  About this issue: This is the first issue of The Chesterton Review to appear since the death in January of its founding editor, Father Ian Boyd. Father Boyd’s legacy…

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Imagining a world with leaders rooted in Chestertonian ideals–50 years of the Chesterton Institute

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture and its journal, The Chesterton Review “The effect of the work of the Institute is cumulative; it builds on the past, and we think in terms of the future. Our work is immensely relevant for today and tomorrow.” —Father Ian Boyd, Founder and President Emeritus  …

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Upcoming in person event: Caravaggio: A Radical Approach to the Truth

…the artist is a person who communicates something…the moment of creation is the moment of communication.  It is when the work has passed from mind to mind that it becomes a work of art. — G.K. Chesterton The Department of Catholic Studies proudly presents the Ninth Annual Monsignor James Cafone Memorial Lecture: “Caravaggio: A Radical Approach to the Truth” by artist David Lopez Ribes,…

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