New Issue of “The Chesterton Review”

The G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture at Seton Hall University announces the publication of volume 48, nos. 1 & 2, Spring/Summer 2022—of its widely recognized journal The Chesterton Review.

Vol. 48, Nos. 1 & 2 CoverABOUT THE NEW ISSUE-

The notion of discovering the sacred in the secular is the connecting theme of the articles in the latest issue of The Chesterton Review. Although they range widely, from an essay on Chesterton as a travelling lecturer to a piece on the recent Father Brown television series on the BBC, at their core is the idea that Chesterton was, to use Marshall McLuhan’s term, a “practical mystic.” He had a deeply sacramental imagination, always aware that our lives tell “an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.” With articles on his humor, his use of language, and his strange novel The Man who was Thursday, the issue pays tribute to the richness and variety of Chesterton’s literary personality. On a more somber note, it also includes a special section devoted to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with pieces by Chesterton and his friend Maurice Baring along with poems, essays, and specially commissioned reflections on what is at stake in the war. Chesterton never goes out of date even when, paradoxically, the world seems to forget his wisdom and needs, once again, to be reminded of it.  —Dermot Quinn, Editor, The Chesterton Review



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