Frances Sargent Osgood Portrait

Frances Sargent Osgood Portrait

Frances Sargent Osgood was a woman with a true talent in poetry. The still portrait “Frances Sargent Osgood”[1] illustrates her uniquely and powerfully. The picture was created by the artist Alonzo Chappel. Chappel was one of the many artists involved in the evolution...
19th Century Soap Advertisement for Women

19th Century Soap Advertisement for Women

The Industrial Revolution was a transformative period spanning the late 18th to the 19th century. It brought about profound economic, technological, and social changes. Mechanized production, urbanization, and the emergence of factories characterized this era, driven...
“All together now! Stop her!”

“All together now! Stop her!”

The fight for women’s suffrage was an ongoing struggle throughout American history and came after many years of effort by many different people. The right to vote did not come easy for American women, and this picture illustrates the continual opposition that women...
Salem Witch Trials Through Thomas Hutchinson

Salem Witch Trials Through Thomas Hutchinson

The Witchcraft Delusion of 1692 is an unpublished manuscript by Gov. Thomas Hutchinson, providing an account of the infamous Salem witch trials in Massachusetts. Written over a century after the events it describes, it draws on contemporary accounts and eyewitness...