Benjamin Lay

Benjamin Lay

This source comes from the New York Public Library Digital Collections and was published in 1843. The source addresses the man by the name of Benjamin Lay. To better understand this source, it is important to know the history of slavery in the United States. Slavery...
“Casimir Pulaski,” Marble Sculpture 

“Casimir Pulaski,” Marble Sculpture 

The following sculpture encapsulates the image of Casimir Pulaski, who is described as “The Father of American Cavalry” [1]. This artistic piece was created by Henry Dmochowski Saunders in the year 1857. Saunders was a talented artist who created multiple artistic...

World War I Cartoon by Sava Zlachkin

Ethan Shonk Prof. Fieldston American History 2 14 December 2023 We Shall Overcome Speech             The speech, referred to as “We Shall Overcome,” was given to a joint session of Congress on March 15, 1965. In the speech, President Johnson urged the...
You Can Help–American Red Cross/ W.T. Benda

You Can Help–American Red Cross/ W.T. Benda

The source listed above is a propaganda poster developed in 1918 during the First World War by W. T. Benda. Pictured is a young woman seen knitting with the words “You can help; American Red Cross.”[1] During the First World War, propaganda posters were very common;...