The Liberty Shall Not Perish from the Earth

The Liberty Shall Not Perish from the Earth

The Liberty Shall Not Perish from the Earth by Joseph Pennell published in 1918 is an American propaganda poster. Propaganda has a wide range of definitions, but it can be boiled down to a piece of media that is meant to persuade the audience to a certain action or...
WW I Soldier Photo

WW I Soldier Photo

This photo is from the archives of the League of Nations and German Peace Society, and it shows a German soldier dead in the battlefields during World War I from 1914-1918. This photo was taken to show the horrors and destruction of the war. To ensure that destructive...
My daddy bought me a government bond of the third liberty loan.

My daddy bought me a government bond of the third liberty loan.

When the Great War, also referred to as World War I, first erupted in Europe, America “remained neutral” on paper, yet provided supplies and financial assistance to the Allied Powers – France, Great Britain, and Russia.((D.E. Shi (2019). America: A Narrative History...