“All together now! Stop her!”

“All together now! Stop her!”

The fight for women’s suffrage was an ongoing struggle throughout American history and came after many years of effort by many different people. The right to vote did not come easy for American women, and this picture illustrates the continual opposition that women...
The Emancipation Proclamation

The Emancipation Proclamation

The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order declaring that all slaves who were in Confederate territory be set free. It was issued by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War as it approached its third year in 1863. This changed the lives of more than...
Battle of Gettysburg Photo

Battle of Gettysburg Photo

“Those dead should not die in vain” (Abraham Lincoln) The bodies of four Union soldiers were captured in a photograph (https://www.historyplace.com/lincoln/lincpix/woods.jpg) lying lifeless on the grounds of a battlefield. At first glance, assumptions can...
US vs Amistad Case 1839

US vs Amistad Case 1839

The Amistad case of 1839 occurred due to the forceful enslavement of Africans kidnapped by the Spanish and taken to Havana, Cuba, which was widely known for the slave trade. Two Spanish owners of large plantations, Pedro Montes and Jose Ruiz together were able to...
Dred Scott v. Sandford

Dred Scott v. Sandford

The Dred Scott vs. Sandford case is one of the most important court cases of 19th century. Starting at the St. Louis Circuit Court it made its way to the Supreme Court of the United States. This ruling in favor of Sandford was a landmark case before the American Civil...